Reverse Chronic Disease

People Learn How to Reverse Chronic Disease by Learning From Plants

Are you tired of being sick and tired?

Do you have problems with your metabolism?  You don’t know?  

Well, do you have high blood pressure?  

Increased belly fat? Blood sugar problems like diabetes or pre-diabetes?   

Trouble losing weight? Tiredness or low energy? 

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you probably have problems with your metabolism.  

If you want to improve your metabolism or know someone who does, then this article is for you.

I am Dr. Gregory Fryer, M.D., and I have some exciting news and information to help you.  But first, hear what a couple of our clients had to say:

“My name is Eva. I was diagnosed with diabetes 20 years ago.  The first 5 years I controlled it with diet and then 15 years ago I started to take medication for it.  My A1c goes up and down.  And so, I decided to enroll in this program with the hope that I could reverse the diabetes. And  I’m very glad that after 5 weeks into the program I can stop taking my medication.”

Eva A. of Clarksville, TN

“I am Demetrius … I’ve been in the wellness program now for 6-7 months, and the journey has been amazing. When I first started the journey I was 468 pounds and as of today I am 272 pounds.  My waistline when I started this wellness program was 56 niches.  Today my waistline is 40 inches.  My blood pressure when I first started when I went to the hospital was 232/112.  Today is 140/90 by changing my diet and following strictly the wellness program.” (Demetrius also takes some blood pressure medication.)  This place has been amazing.”

Demetrius W. of Clarksville, TN


What program are Eva, Demetrius, and many others talking about? How did they get such improvements in their health?  They are talking about the wellness program with me at Medical Direct Care in Clarksville, TN.  

What’s the secret?

Well, look around. Observe the health of our nation.  Are Americans getting healthier or sicker?  I think you will agree that Americans overall are getting sicker.

reverse chronic disease


The US pours more money into healthcare per capita than any other country in the world and yet it is one of the sickest industrialized countries.  Why do you think this is so?  Well, to help you answer this question, I want you to picture this plant. 


Does it look healthy? What does it need?  Water.  Sunlight.  Good dirt or fertilizer. Maybe some TLC.  I have asked this question to thousands of people and no one has said, “this plant needs a medication to make it feel better.”  Why? because a disease is not caused by a lack of a medication.  A disease is caused by a lack of nutrients that the body needs to repair itself.   We need exactly what this plant needs: water, sunlight, good nutrition, and love. 

We need adequate water daily.  Did you know that drinking adequate water daily decreases your risk of every kind of cancer?  It also decreases risk of obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, and many other chronic conditions. 

We need real food, not processed “food substances.”  The more natural something is, the better it is for you.  Here’s another secret, man can never do better than God.  

In our wellness programs through functional medicine, we help get to the root causes of most chronic diseases so that you give your body what it needs to repair and heal itself, just the way God designed it to do, when you take care of it.

“Before I started the wellness program, my body was sluggish. I was tired all the time. I carried excess weight I couldn’t get rid of. I just felt not energetic. I just didn’t have any energy to do anything. After I started the wellness program, I was kinda skeptical but as I progressed in the program … and I lost weight.  I started to eat better and started feeling better. More energetic.  Overall I lost over 30 pounds. My energy level is better. I sleep well at night… On a scale of 1 to 100, I am like 95% more improved physically, mentally, and my overall health.”

Mark L. of Clarksville, TN

So, if you don’t have the energy you think you should have, or maybe your doctor told your that “everything is normal” when you know you are not feeling your best, join me, Dr. Fryer, for a free wellness presentationCall now to reserve you seat 931-221-0902Seating is limited.


Dr. Gregory Fryer, M.D.