Is Medical Direct Care With Dr. Fryer Right For You?

Are You Consistently Struggling With Low Energy, GI Issues, Sleep Problems, Or Having Troubles Loosing Weight?

How We Help Patients Overcome Their Chronic Symptoms and Teach You How to Take Control of Your Health

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Gregory Fryer
Medical Direct Care

Did You Know?

Do you know that 1 in 2 people suffer silently for years with reversible hormone imbalances, digestive disorders, stealth infections, and cognitive issues like brain fog and memory loss?

Do you also know that many people with these chronic health issues are never properly tested by their primary care doctors?

Oftentimes they hear “everything is fine” or “it’s just a sign of getting older”, when they know they don’t feel fine and feel like they aren’t being heard?

Left unchecked, all these issues can lead to more complicated health problems such as autoimmune disease, chronic pain, inflammation and heart disease, and obesity.

Join Us To Learn

  • Why your current health care provider may not be making the connection from chronic symptoms to what's really ailing you
  • What questions to ask your health provider to ensure you're partnering with the right expert
  • What advanced lab testing will provide the information needed to arrive at a precise diagnosis, so you don't have to guess as to how to treat your digestive distress
  • Why lifestyle can also play a huge role in how to rebalance and deal with chronic symptoms once we discover the root cause

Meet Dr. Fryer

Dr. Fryer had a dream of being a medical physician since 6th grade. Health was a sense of calling and he enjoyed helping people more than anything else.

Dr. Fryer completed Family Medicine residency at Martin Army Community Hospital in Georgia after completing internship at Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. He was a staff Family Medicine physician for over 18 years before building his own practice.

Around 2015, his wife and co-worker, Erien Fryer, came across functional medicine. Together they did training in the Institute for Functional Medicine. They found the training invigorating and refreshing.

In order to determine the root causes of dysfunctions, Medical Direct Care started practicing functional medicine. As a result they integrate diet and efforts outside of the insurance industry.

This is now the bedrock of what Medical Direct Care practices today to take people from sick and hopeless to well and hopeful.